Short Film Review Editing: Day Two

When continuing to edit my film review I decided that what I wanted to do at this point in the process was add all of the tiny details to the of the review so that it looked liked one you would find in an EMPIRE magazine.
Screen Shot 2017-12-18 at 22.26.07Firstly I focused on the details of the writing such as the ‘Empire 2017/‘ section that is found at the very bottom of the review and adding triangles onto the layout to make the arrows coming onto the page look 3D and as if they were coming from behind the page as they appear to look on the reviews found on the EMPIRE reviews. I took some time for me to get the layout correct as it involved having to get the triangles the right size and getting the colour of the triangles which was quite a tricky task to do as it was quite fiddly. Once I was happy with the proportions of all of the fonts and shapes I then moved onto focusing on the content of the film review and making sure that I had the correct font for the writing and it fitted correctly onto the page and was eligible.

I had already previously written the content for the film review and was happy with it so it was just the case of writing it up onto InDesign into the film review and making sure I was happy with everything.

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One of the final decisions that I made to the final edit of my film review was the main image. I had four images to choose from so I inserted them all onto the layout to see what each one of them would look like but I decided that I liked the look the best of the one with the protagonist stood in front of the mirror crying so I opted for that one.


The Editing Process: Day Five

On the final day of the editing process for my short film I made the finishing touches to the production to ensure I was as satisfied as I could be with what I had. When watching what I had already created back to myself I thought that I needed to add something in to try and portray the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings about the events occurring throughout the storyline. I had the idea to try and show some of the reasons to why she maybe didn’t want anyone finding out about her sexuality which would be along the lines of her not feeling accepted by those close to her, being judged and feeling like people wouldn’t want to be around her anymore once they found out. Therefore I decided to record some voiceovers of a people saying hurtful thoughts about homosexual  people such as “nobody’s going to want to be her friend” and “your family won’t except you” – by doing this it will hopefully create more emotion around the theme of cyberbullying and the way some people in society treat homosexual people thus making the audience able to connect more with the protagonist of the story.

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The final adjustments that I made when editing was the music and some of the overlay effects that I thought about adding to some of the shots of the protagonist crying. I added the ‘trails‘ effect to some of the shots of the protagonist crying as I thought it worked well and helped to emphasise confusion that she felt in her head. As well as doing this I went through every shot and made sure I was happy with the filters that were on them. I decided previously that I wanted to add filters to all of the shots to change the tones of the scenes because I did not like the way some of the colours looked in a lot of my shots so to fix this I used an ‘mLut‘ plugin from offline to correct a lot of the colour which made my production look more professional and cinematic. As I said in a previous editing post, I did decide to use the more cool toned filter on the shots where my protagonist encounters sad feelings and where she feels happy I chose to use the warmer toned filter to highlight this idea.

When it came to making the finishing touches on the music, all I needed to do was make sure that the audio levels and the score levels matched well with each other. Firstly I decided that I needed to lower the score levels where there was dialogue present as I didn’t want to score overpowering the dialogue and the audience being unable to hear it but where there was no dialogue I made the score slightly louder so it seemed more dramatic but could still here the diegetic sound that was present in the scene.



Music Production Process

When it came to creating the music to accompany my short film I was very skeptical about what I was going to do. I knew that I wanted something simple to accompany the visuals, that didn’t overpower and distract from what was happening on screen but I didn’t know how to approach making it. I do not have any experience with GarageBand and also have no skill when it comes to composing music for a production meaning I was very worried about this point in the production process as I didn’t know how I was going to achieve something successful.

I did do some research into music to try and find pieces similar to what I was looking for therefore I would have something to work from, unfortunately I was unable to find anything similar to what I wanted so had to start from complete scratch. When going onto GarageBand I thought that it would be a good idea to start by listening to some of the loops and experimenting with them to see what I could create as I am not musically talented so would have been unable to compose something of my own from scratch. After looking through all of the loops I was unable to find anything that I was looking for so I just decided that I need to find a base and work from there, so that is what I did.

After a lot of time messing around on GarageBand trying to create something half decent I went to a friend for help who does music at A-Level to see if he could help me compose something. Thankfully he was happy to compose something for me in his spare time using Logic Pro which is more advanced than GarageBand. I gave him my edit and explained to him that I just wanted like ambient sounds to go behind the action but nothing too dramatic that draws the attention away from what was happening on screen.  I did sit with him for an hour or so why he played around on Logic Pro to see what sort of thing I was looking for and after a while he told me to leave it with him and he would try his best to get something composed for me.